Which fighter plane is your favorite?

Monday, September 5, 2011

North American P-51 Mustang

The North American  P-51 Mustang is a World War 2 fighter plane designed to escort U.S. and R.A.F. bombers in to Germany and provide fighter support. It carries 6 .50 caliber M2 Browning machine guns (3 in each wing), and has a range of 1,300 miles with fuel tanks. The Mustang is a World War 2 legend and has been credited 4,950 enemy planes shot down, the most of any Allied figher in WW2. The Mustang was also known for its superior speed of 437 mph and a service ceiling of 41,900 ft. The mustangs range allowed it to escort bombers all the way into Germany, provide air support, and then fly all the way back to bases in Great Britain. Before the Mustang was introduced, Allied fighters could only escort bombers halfway across the English Channel before they had to return to base for fuel. The Mustang was the last plane to help the Allies clear the skies of the Luftwaffe. The Mustangs did not end with WW2, it also provided ground support during the Korean War. The Mustang is by far the most recognized airplane in history. Each plane cost about 51,000 dollars.

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